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Pre Made Album Cover Russett a car driving down a dirt road next to a telephone pole

Russett #10897

a car driving down a dirt road next to a telephone pole
Pre Made Album Cover Bondi Blue a close up of a bunch of blue and green buttons

Bondi Blue #5494

a close up of a bunch of blue and green buttons
Pre Made Album Cover Shark a black electric guitar with blue lightning bolts on it

Shark #10084

a black electric guitar with blue lightning bolts on it
Pre Made Album Cover Burnt Sienna a computer circuit board with glowing circles and circles on it

Burnt Sienna #23651

a computer circuit board with glowing circles and circles on it
Pre Made Album Cover Di Serria a bunch of wires that are in the shape of a flower

Di Serria #10903

a bunch of wires that are in the shape of a flower
Pre Made Album Cover Cod Gray a couple of lightning strikes in the sky

Cod Gray #5310

a couple of lightning strikes in the sky
Pre Made Album Cover Thunder a lightning bolt hitting through a cloudy sky

Thunder #5309

a lightning bolt hitting through a cloudy sky
Pre Made Album Cover Cod Gray a couple of lightning strikes in the sky

Cod Gray #21275

a couple of lightning strikes in the sky
Pre Made Album Cover Oriental Pink a palm tree is silhouetted against a purple sky with lightning

Oriental Pink #5312

a palm tree is silhouetted against a purple sky with lightning