The story of the first Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) is an intriguing journey through the evolution of music technology. The consensus among historians and technologists is that the British company,…
Seeing Music: Exploring The Color Palettes of Genres
Music transcends auditory dimensions and taps into our multi-sensory experiences, with color playing a pivotal role, subconsciously influencing our perceptions of different genres. Each music genre has seemingly adopted its…
Getting Physical or Going Digital? The Two Sides of Music Publishing
Your friend tells you that you are gonna love this new song he taped from the radio, and passes you a copy. No, but seriously; Where do people get their music?…
First Steps of Production Strategies
Music is one of the most abstract creations out there. It involves physical effort but the result still stays as something “invisible”. Yet it can be the most concrete way…
Timeless Designs
Ever wondered how sometimes you can guess the year an album was made based on the album design? Some of the important album art made in the ‘50s had a…
On Alex Steinweiss and the Short History of Album Cover Art
Music was never directly associated (if not recommended by the composer) with visual arts for many centuries. Although this could hint at the idea that “music has an abstract meaning”,…
Changes in Becoming Visible
We go to music stream platforms, full of content, full of suggestions, heavily filled-up playlists, and input from the friends and colleagues we follow… It became a much different experience…
Seasonal Music Release Strategies
Christmas and New Year’s Eve are right behind us and a new year with new strategies to release new albums ahead of us, it is time to plan the seasonal…
What is the real purpose of the album cover?
Well why, it is to protect those precious and delicate vinyls of course! But what’s the purpose of the album cover when we now live in a digital world? We don’t…
2,000 Covers Coming Right Up!
You read it well. Our furnace keeps running and AlbumCoverZone forges more than 2,000 hot covers… Yep, 2,000 crispy designs ready to be the face of your sound! Yet, this…
Path to Success – Going Solo or Working in a Team
Be that you are an aspiring musician working on releasing their first single, or an experienced recording artist, you will find yourself in moments in your life in which you…
Tips for Choosing the Right Cover
The designers at AlbumCoverZone prepare their works by imagining a possible vision of a musician or label. They have a passionate effort to get closer to you even before you contact…
Judge an Album by its Colours
Music is here to describe things we can’t put in words easily. Music is here to add a boost to the meaning that we sometimes can manage to put into…
Of Masters, Masterpieces and More
An album design can do two very important things, sometimes separately, and sometimes together. It can inform the listener in a reassuring way, providing an explanation of what is about to happen….
Promotional Strategies and Timeline for a New Album Release
Excitement of a musician with a “finished” album is hardly comparable to anything else. Though each style comes with a different preparation background, we all end up in pretty much…
Having an Album Cover With “You” On It
In pretty much any genre, we see plenty of album covers with the main artist(s) on the cover. No matter what happens in the album cover design world in terms…
The Right Presentation for You
The guitarist hands out the envelope format album of the band with the album art looking all colorful and adds “We also have it on Apple Music and Spotify,” just a moment…
To be More Visual Than “Present”
COVID-19-era musicians that reached these days already showed that there is strength in creative minds that can’t be pushed aside by the pandemic. But just like in any other frontier,…
Tips for Album Cover Photoshoots
An album cover design with an artist or a band’s actual picture on it doesn’t invite us to listen to a specific kind of music, but it invites us to…
An Independent Artist’s ToDo List
Being an indie artist means you have to find your arranger, sound engineer, recording artist, organizer, designer, web developer, blogger, social media booster, marketing manager, and a few more. You…