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Premade Album Covers for Latin&Soul Music

We are working on it! :)

Soon to come amazing covers. For the time being, go ahead and check our other products.

Pre Made Album Cover Thunder a woman with colorful feathers on her head

Thunder #10424

a woman with colorful feathers on her head
Pre Made Album Cover Oxford Blue a book cover with the title gloomy sunshine

Oxford Blue #10028

a book cover with the title gloomy sunshine
Pre Made Album Cover Valencia a yellow banana sticking out of a red cloth

Valencia #10507

a yellow banana sticking out of a red cloth
Pre Made Album Cover Natural Gray a small black bird standing on top of a sandy beach

Natural Gray #10513

a small black bird standing on top of a sandy beach
Pre Made Album Cover Mine Shaft a painting of a man's face on the side of a building

Mine Shaft #10722

a painting of a man's face on the side of a building