An Independent Artist’s ToDo List

Being an indie artist means you have to find your arranger, sound engineer, recording artist, organizer, designer, web developer, blogger, social media booster, marketing manager, and a few more. You can try to be all or some of them at the same time as well, but if being the musician is the priority for you, you might want to share the workload with a few other people. Here are a few tips on keeping things organized;

Make a list of things you have to do

A task such as “Release single” means finding;

 ☞The song to record,
 ☞The studio to record in,
 ☞The musicians and the sound engineer to record with,
 ☞The sound engineer to produce with,
 ☞The designer to make the artwork for the product (this is where we come in…),
 ☞The provider to choose a label from,
 ☞The platform to share it on,
 ☞The service to print it,
 ☞The concerts to promote the single,
 ☞The director to do the promo video with you,

and the list goes on. If you can think through the process and organize and divide your budget, working hours, and physical and mental energy evenly throughout the whole process, your chances of going off half way get to be zero.

Power of Asking: Look around to see who can help you with what

Join the forces of everyone, not many people can do it all. Each “self-made” artist has a thank-you list with at least 50 names on it. The good ones share the gratefulness. 😉 Your to-do list will provide the ground to know what you have to ask for. Favors can go from proofreading your lyrics to helping you out with the microphone positioning. We all are capable of some stuff that other people don’t have time to learn how to do and good people like to help. Look around your friends to see if anyone needs to have a music video for a finishing project in school, or if your friend with a day job as a hotel receptionist can hook you up with the event organizer of the building or not. Showing your gratitude doesn’t mean paying money all the time. A home-baked cake or a favor to return can mean as much when it comes to good friendships.

Write down every minor task that comes to your mind on the spot

The more you enroll in your musical project, the more things will come to your mind. Such as proofreading. When you first wrote the song, maybe it didn’t matter much, but nobody wants to take the risk of having a hit song with the line “when centimeters feels like miles”. How to costume-design for the video clip, the need to rent a car to go to the studio with all the gear, the necessity to provide lunch for the recording artists during the recording session, CD covers and costs, etc. can come to mind a later point, they all have to go into the todo list the moment you think about them.

Turn your list into a timeline and divide tasks based on priority

When you have 20 things to do on the list, you might feel a bit overwhelmed. Now is a good time to realize you need to go forward one step at a time. See the road ahead of you. Just like you don’t want to record the song before proofreading is done, you don’t have to panic right now about figuring out the way to transport the gear you need while touring. At this point, turn your to-do list into a timeline, and the priorities will start to show themselves more clearly.

Divide the work between band members or between days

Not everything can be done by other people and even organizing the to-do list is a job on its own. If you have a band, divide the tasks that need to be done by the core group of the project based on the strengths of each member. Some people will have a more visual eye and will lack being on time for meetings. Decide in advance to divide the poster design responsibilities with one member and meetings with venue owners can be done by another one.

If you are a lonely cowboy or a cowgirl in your project and need to multitask on a constant, give yourself an allowance to not think about something while doing something else. Don’t think about how to prepare the studio for time/cost efficiency, or don’t worry about social media visibility while dealing with the composition. You can divide days to work on various tasks (Monday for arranging, Tuesday for organizing, Wednesday for social media preparation, etc.), or you can divide the day into various sections (morning for social media, afternoon for recording, evening for e-mail sending, etc.). The important part is to stay in the zone of a task rather than wasting your energy struggling between multi-dimensions of an independent artist’s various responsibilities.

Commit to the list

Make a timeline for an individual task (release single) make a timeline for the coming year (grow audience) and keep them updated. Your weeks, months and after some point, your years will become much more stabilized with this way of working.
And finally, enjoy the satisfaction of taking something out of the list! Cross the task with pride! For example, take a look at our covers especially designed for indie musicians like yourself, and pick the cover for your next single, personalize it quickly, and have it ready to use in seconds!