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Pre Made Album Cover Mirage A futuristic album cover with a large sphere against a dark landscape background and bold text.

Mirage #11198

A futuristic album cover with a large sphere against a dark landscape background and bold text.
Pre Made Album Cover Woodsmoke Cover art shows floating jellyfish above a foggy landscape lit with soft, ethereal lights.

Woodsmoke #11196

Cover art shows floating jellyfish above a foggy landscape lit with soft, ethereal lights.
Pre Made Album Cover Steel Gray A stylized blue flower with pink neon accents, with bold white text overlays against a dark background.

Steel Gray #11195

A stylized blue flower with pink neon accents, with bold white text overlays against a dark background.
Pre Made Album Cover Mongoose A surreal image with a woman's face, tree, and sky overlaid, promoting

Mongoose #11211

A surreal image with a woman's face, tree, and sky overlaid, promoting "syncopations" by The Jazz Travelers.