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Pre Made Album Cover Swirl a black and white photo of a buddha statue

Swirl #5498

a black and white photo of a buddha statue
Pre Made Album Cover French Gray a statue of a person holding a cell phone up to their ear

French Gray #5497

a statue of a person holding a cell phone up to their ear
Pre Made Album Cover Oil a silhouette of a person sitting on top of a building

Oil #5500

a silhouette of a person sitting on top of a building
Pre Made Album Cover Mine Shaft a close up of a statue of a person
this cover has been sold.

Mine Shaft #7784

a close up of a statue of a person
Pre Made Album Cover Gray Suit a buddha statue sitting in the middle of a space filled with stars

Gray Suit #6476

a buddha statue sitting in the middle of a space filled with stars
Pre Made Album Cover Astronaut a painting of a buddha's face in blue tones

Astronaut #7782

a painting of a buddha's face in blue tones
Pre Made Album Cover Mortar a painting of a buddha sitting in a meditation position

Mortar #7781

a painting of a buddha sitting in a meditation position