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Pre Made Album Cover Calico Capturing breath on a frosty windowpane, melding with the frigid patterns created by winter — a reflection of subtle, refreshing and cool ambient tunes.

Calico #23925

Capturing breath on a frosty windowpane, melding with the frigid patterns created by winter — a reflection of subtle, refreshing and cool ambient tunes.
Pre Made Album Cover Del Rio a house in the middle of a snowy field

Del Rio #23677

a house in the middle of a snowy field
Pre Made Album Cover Raw Sienna High above, on the sheer face of a crystal mountain, echoes of harmonies trapped in ice shards fracture sunlight into a spectrum of sound, casting prismatic notes that dance in the cold air, a symphony of color and chill.

Raw Sienna #23982

High above, on the sheer face of a crystal mountain, echoes of harmonies trapped in ice shards fracture sunlight into a spectrum of sound, casting prismatic notes that dance in the cold air, a symphony of color and chill.
Pre Made Album Cover Swamp Green a blurry photo of a bird flying in the sky

Swamp Green #4332

a blurry photo of a bird flying in the sky
Pre Made Album Cover Geyser a lone horse standing in the middle of a snow covered field
this cover has been sold.

Geyser #7096

a lone horse standing in the middle of a snow covered field
Pre Made Album Cover Shark a picture of a tree in the snow

Shark #5673

a picture of a tree in the snow
Pre Made Album Cover Dove Gray a forest filled with lots of trees under a cloudy sky

Dove Gray #0020

a forest filled with lots of trees under a cloudy sky
Pre Made Album Cover Eternity A single red rose, lying atop a frost-covered piano, embodies the bittersweet symphony of love lost.

Eternity #24056

A single red rose, lying atop a frost-covered piano, embodies the bittersweet symphony of love lost.
Pre Made Album Cover Soya Bean An intricate, frost-covered spider web connects barren branches, illustrating the complex and fragile connections that bind lovers across distance and time, under a gray dawn.

Soya Bean #24067

An intricate, frost-covered spider web connects barren branches, illustrating the complex and fragile connections that bind lovers across distance and time, under a gray dawn.