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Pre Made Album Cover Milano Red a very tall building with a red sky in the background

Milano Red #7866

a very tall building with a red sky in the background
Pre Made Album Cover Pumice a foggy forest filled with lots of trees

Pumice #21977

a foggy forest filled with lots of trees
Pre Made Album Cover Jacarta a person standing in the middle of a space filled with planets

Jacarta #7872

a person standing in the middle of a space filled with planets
Pre Made Album Cover Loulou a person sitting in a yoga position surrounded by stars

Loulou #8709

a person sitting in a yoga position surrounded by stars
Pre Made Album Cover Bottle Green a dark green background with a diagonal pattern

Bottle Green #21446

a dark green background with a diagonal pattern
Pre Made Album Cover Shakespeare an elephant with an intricate pattern on it's body

Shakespeare #8711

an elephant with an intricate pattern on it's body
Pre Made Album Cover Log Cabin a collage of a man's face and a guitar

Log Cabin #0096

a collage of a man's face and a guitar