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optical illusion

Pre Made Album Cover Mirage the cover of the album, the mirage

Mirage #10220

the cover of the album, the mirage
Pre Made Album Cover Thunder a poster with an eye and the words the mirage

Thunder #10224

a poster with an eye and the words the mirage
Pre Made Album Cover Lotus a poster with the words the mirage on it

Lotus #10216

a poster with the words the mirage on it
Pre Made Album Cover Woodsmoke a poster of a cube made out of glass blocks

Woodsmoke #23626

a poster of a cube made out of glass blocks
Pre Made Album Cover Cod Gray a viewer's eye towards a glistening, prismatic vortex at the core of a seemingly pixelated universe

Cod Gray #23757

a viewer's eye towards a glistening, prismatic vortex at the core of a seemingly pixelated universe
Pre Made Album Cover Silver Black and white wavy lines creating an optical illusion with a distorted, ripple-like effect.

Silver #10957

Black and white wavy lines creating an optical illusion with a distorted, ripple-like effect.
Pre Made Album Cover Tango The bullseye image, thrumming with hypnotic energy, ripples with spectral colors amongst shadows. At its core, an eye stares back with a melancholic tune hinting dark secrets and haunted pasts.

Tango #23871

The bullseye image, thrumming with hypnotic energy, ripples with spectral colors amongst shadows. At its core, an eye stares back with a melancholic tune hinting dark secrets and haunted pasts.
Pre Made Album Cover Parchment A pixelated eye in the center with

Parchment #11107

A pixelated eye in the center with "ANARCHY WAVES" and "LUNAR RIOT" text above and below the eye.