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Pre Made Album Cover Gondola a picture of a castle with a red background

Gondola #23938

a picture of a castle with a red background
Pre Made Album Cover Go Ben a grassy hill with a winding road in the distance

Go Ben #5562

a grassy hill with a winding road in the distance
Pre Made Album Cover Tan an old house at sundown

Tan #23682

an old house at sundown
Pre Made Album Cover Cape Cod a house in a foggy forest with a clock tower

Cape Cod #22619

a house in a foggy forest with a clock tower
Pre Made Album Cover Outer Space a creepy house with two pumpkins in front of it

Outer Space #23561

a creepy house with two pumpkins in front of it
Pre Made Album Cover Corvette a black and white photo of a house with bats flying over it

Corvette #23550

a black and white photo of a house with bats flying over it
Pre Made Album Cover Night Rider a red light shines on a street at night

Night Rider #3498

a red light shines on a street at night
Pre Made Album Cover Mongoose Amidst a sea of fog, the silhouette of a large, haunting mansion on a hill, lights flickering in broken windows, suggesting presence where there should be none.

Mongoose #23945

Amidst a sea of fog, the silhouette of a large, haunting mansion on a hill, lights flickering in broken windows, suggesting presence where there should be none.