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Pre Made Album Cover Woody Brown a microphone with lightning coming out of it and the words smokey honey dark crossing

Woody Brown #10386

a microphone with lightning coming out of it and the words smokey honey dark crossing
Pre Made Album Cover Cinnabar A pair of yellow sneakers and a microphone hanging by their laces against a solid red background.

Cinnabar #11053

A pair of yellow sneakers and a microphone hanging by their laces against a solid red background.
Pre Made Album Cover Oriental Pink A vintage gramophone with a human mouth as its horn, set against a textured pink background.

Oriental Pink #11057

A vintage gramophone with a human mouth as its horn, set against a textured pink background.
Pre Made Album Cover Hot Toddy a microphone that is sitting on a stand

Hot Toddy #23761

a microphone that is sitting on a stand
Pre Made Album Cover Gable Green A vintage microphone is set against a vibrant, abstract background with splashes of colors.

Gable Green #16285

A vintage microphone is set against a vibrant, abstract background with splashes of colors.