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Stiletto #3557

"Melancholic Memories Captured"

a blurry photo of a person standing in front of a yellow background

$98.00  $69.00

Create album covers with your own texts, see how it looks. Purchase album cover with ease of mind. Once you are satisfied with the album cover design, go ahead and purchase it. WYSIWYG!

This album cover has 1 line for the title, 1 line for the artist, and finally 1 line for the label.

The most popular tags describing this premade album cover are dark, pop, electronica, photography and acoustic.

Other keywords relevant to this premade cover are metal, rock, indie, deep, framed, faded, alternative rock, indie pop, sad, alt pop, glam, blurry, psychedelic rock, blurred.

“Looking for an album that rocks your world? Look no further than this stunning collection of alternative rock, pop, alt pop, and indie pop hits! With premade album covers and premade album art that showcase the edgy, gritty, and unforgettable sound of this incredible band, this album is sure to become an instant classic. From the haunting melodies of their ballads to the raw energy of their rock anthems, every track on this album is a masterpiece of modern music. So if you...”

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Market your album!

It is time to prepare for the release date! In order to increase visibilty and attract your fans for your upcoming album or single, you will need a comprehensive marketing strategy and most of it will be oriented around social media services.

AlbumCoverZone offers professional marketing materials for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more, for only $29!

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